How to use Japanese bamboo in oita?

When you look up above image, it is not normal bamboo color. It is smoked bamboo. It takes about 10 days. Good thing is the color. I have never seen such color in nature. It is just smoked. This kind of color is like old Japanese furniture. It gives us calm feelings. we love that. Here I want to show you some rare bamboo product lists. You might have interest.
- Smoked products such as vase, cup, dish and chopstick.
- Bamboo coal
- Bamboo liquid
Smoked Bamboo. This product is as I stated above. This method will used for craft work also.
Bamboo Coal. This product is for agriculture or BBQ as coal. And it works as deodorant for car, room and kitchen.
Bamboo Liquid. This liquid is also for agriculture as insect repellent or antibacterial action. And it heals your body such as athlete’s foot or atopy. However, this potency is not guaranteed by medical team. So, I have tried my body right now. My finger is itchy right now. I will let you know how it goes.
If someone interested in Bamboo, please let me know. Or if you have another way to use Bamboo, it will be helpful. Sincerely,
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6 Comments for this entry
I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?
Sorry for my late reply. Yeah, I will try to talk about bamboo more.
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Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
Your English is very good for me. So, don’t worry about it. I love to help your assignment. Feel free to ask me!! Ok? I will email you later.
Hi, I sent email though I could not send it to you. Do you know what is going on?
Thanks your comment. My finger is bitten with something now. I have been trying to use bamboo liquid on it. It takes time but it heals little by little.