Japanese Sashimi in Tairyo-ya Kamae

My friend Japanese fisherman will open Japanese Fish Shop. There is no menu. No one knows what kind of fish customers can eat. Even the owner does not know what it is going to be. ...

Zingo Web Site starts

Mr.Zingo create his own website. But it is written in Japanese though it is easy to see his Plaster Art Design. I have no idea when he is going to have English one. I will ...

Face to the true

When I compare with old era and present time, I see a lot of lie in present time. Old era is about 1600 before. Why I feel that way?When human has some time and money, ...

Zingo Five Color lobster

I got Five color lobster from fisherman who lives in Kamae Oita. Mr.Zingo wants some sample of Japanese Lobster. So, I asked one of my friend who is fisherman. His father got the Five Color ...

Japanese spiny lobster with Plaster

Mr.Zingo started to create other Plaster Arts. It is Japanese spiny lobster. As you can see the picture, he creates lobster's touch with wire. It is looks like easy but it is not.

Sharpen Zingo’s Plaster Tool

Mr.Zingo started to create his new Plaster Art. He usually works on this outside of room. But when it is warm!!His Tool is called KOTE. It is not knife. The tool is used for Soil ...

New Design for Plaster Art

In April, Mr.Zingo was so busy with other jobs. But in May, he is going to work on new design. This design is based on his friend. If you see his plaster art page, ...

Cherry Blossoms 2011

What a beautiful day. This place is called Heiwa park in Oita Japan. There are a lots of cherry blossoms in here. Most of Japanese people will have a HANAMI. It means watching flowers with ...

Zingo Plaster Art Map

I created Zingo's Plaster art Map. If you click yellow icon, you will be able to see his plaster design. より大きな地図で 仁五の鏝絵作品集 を表示

Create Plaster frame

Mr.Zingo was working for new plaster art. His new plaster art will be mother and child. Here is the image of design. His design plan is just a simple paper. There is no three dimensional ...