Satoyama Concept heal the world

Have you ever heard SATOYAMA before? Of course, you have not. It is Japanese. It is written KANJI “里山”. Last month there was a COP10(Conference of the Parties)conference in Japan. In that conference, Japan suggested SATOYAMA concept which human should live together with nature. Japan, Aisa and Africa have old custom to share our earth.
For example, why does landslide happen when it is hard rain? It is because mountain can not hold the amount of water. Mountain loses their power to hold it. The power is given by SUN LIGHT. Do you remember photonic synthesis? You took class in science. This is very important to get their power from sun. This means mountain’s soil get much energy from sun. But why the mountain can not get the sun light? Because mountain get grow. I mean Tree or bamboo. This means mountain will be covered by them. So that they won’t be able to get enough sun light easily. But SATOYAMA concept will fix this. Elder people who live in local region in Japan make a living with nature such as tools or power of utilities came from the mountain. Bamboo or Tree will be any tools such as dishes, chopstick and cups. Even if they don’t have any electronic system, they use the nature for powers such as fire for bath and foods. See, this is how people live in nature. Of course other countries have same concept when they did not have any power system. We did it before. Maybe we should go back to our old culture for a while. So, let’s talk to your grand father or mother. They will love to talk about those things.
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2 Comments for this entry
Dear Alan
Thank you for visiting my web site. A couple days ago, I read news paper about the SATOYAMA. That’s how Japanese make living with nature. We know how to care about it. But not now. So, I have decided to face to my own culture.
Alan Zulch
Dear Jiuson,
I am very happy to read your post about Satoyama healing the world.
Even though I live in the United States, I have a strong feeling that Japan will become a world leader in showing how we can return to living in harmony with nature.
If you are interested, please visit my blog about this topic:
Meanwhile, best wishes to you and keep up the great work,
Alan Zulch
Palo Alto, California, USA